
Assault Allegations at Ethiopia’s Historic Gishen Debre Kerbe Mariam Monastery Ignite Outrage

Wollo, Amhara Region – New reports have emerged from Gishen Mariam Monastery in Ethiopia’s Wollo region, alleging serious assaults by Ethiopian military forces. According to local sources, soldiers stationed at the monastery between April 22, 2024, and the end of last month have been accused of raping five nuns, drawing widespread condemnation.

Gishen Mariam Monastery, founded in the 14th century by Saint Tekle Haymanot, is a cornerstone of Ethiopian Christianity. Known for its distinctive architecture, carved into the rugged landscape, and its collection of ancient manuscripts and religious artifacts, the monastery has long served as a major pilgrimage site and spiritual centre.

Gishen Mariam is composed of four churches: Gishen Mariam, Kidus Michael, Kidus Gebrael, and Egziare Ab. During the Meskel celebration, also known as the Finding of the True Cross, held on September 27th, pilgrims from across Ethiopia and around the world gather to celebrate this significant religious festivity
Gishen Mariam is composed of four churches: Gishen Mariam, Kidus Michael, Kidus Gebrael, and Egziare Ab. During the Meskel celebration, also known as the Finding of the True Cross, held on September 27th, pilgrims from across Ethiopia and around the world gather to celebrate this significant religious festivity

Witnesses report that military personnel have been implicated in widespread abuse against local residents. The soldiers allegedly targeted individuals indiscriminately, including the young, elderly, women, children, and clergy. The reported assault on the nuns, revered within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, has shocked both local and international communities.

Empress Helena, guided by prayer and incense, discovered the True Cross during her pilgrimage. After finding three crosses, one of which was the crucifixion cross of Jesus, she distributed pieces to various churches. It is believed that a portion of the True Cross now rests beneath Gishen Mariam Church.

The alleged violence has heightened tensions in a region already strained by conflict. This unrest follows the government’s decision to disarm the Amhara Fano forces, a group that had previously allied with the government during the TPLF’s invasion of the Amhara region. The attacks on the monastery are seen as part of a broader pattern of violence aimed at destabilizing and eroding the cultural and moral foundations of the Amhara people.

The Ethiopian government has not yet responded to these specific allegations. However, human rights organisations have expressed alarm, and there has been significant outrage from both local and diaspora communities. The assault on such a revered site as Gishen Mariam Monastery has prompted urgent calls for accountability and justice.

As the region grapples with ongoing instability, the international community is closely monitoring the situation, calling for an end to the violence and a restoration of peace. Further investigations are expected as affected communities seek justice for the reported atrocities.

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